Writing Answers to RTC type Question In IGNOU MEG-1

Writing Answers to RTC type Question In IGNOU MEG-1

writing RTC type of questions

Title & Author

1 Writing Reference to the Context


Begin by mentioning the name of the poem and the poet of that particular poem.

For example:

These lines have been taken from the poem _ written by ___.


This is an extract from the poem __ written by __.


These lines occur in the poem ____written by ___.


* Briefly describe the context/situation in which the chosen lines occur.

* Identify the order/place in the poem i.e., whether the lines under reference happen to be the opening or concluding lines, whether it is the first stanza or the last stanza or it occurs in the middle of the poem.

* Identify the form of the poem - Blank verse, free verse, sonnet


Explain passage

Explain how it refers to poem// effect on the poem

Literary device

State observation with the poet's personal life or the age when it was written. historical background, literary background 

Sample - Poem Stanza summary RTC explanation

-Miss bhavya

Twicknam Garden  

Reference- The above lines are taken from the Poem Twicknam Garden written and composed  

by John Donne. 

About John Donne : 

John Donne was born in the year 1572 in London. He was a preeminent  representative of the metaphysical poets, meaning that his work was  characterised by the inventive use of conceits, and has a greater emphasis  on the spoken rather than the lyrical quality of the verse. He mostly wrote  satirical poems, love poems and elegy and sermons. The latter is because  he was also a priest and a lawyer. His most notable works are The Flea,  The Good-Morrow and Holy Sonnet: Death, be not proud among many  others. A man of many talents, John Donne died in the year 1631, aged 58  of natural causes. 

Stanzas : 

• "Blasted with sighs.............. I have the serpent brought". 

Twicknam Garden” is a lyric in nine-line stanzas, with five lines in iambic  

Introduction of the poet– including details of his/her birth and death, achievements, awards and his/her literary age etc.

Meg 1  In these questions, you need to mention the name of the poem, poet, brief autobiographical details, literary period (eg neoclassical/modernist), what the lines mean, how many stanzas the poem has, any Biblical allusions or other mythological references in the lines, the rhyme scheme, the meter (iambic pentameter/trimeter etc), any figures of speech (simile, conceit, personification, alliteration etc) and the general place that the poem occupies in British literature (considered one the most unique/greatest/the poet's masterpiece). You will also be asked essay questions on specific poets, literary ages, and forms of poetry. So you will need to make notes on the common features of each literary age (eg, Chaucer's age, neoclassical, modernist), the major poets of those ages and their biographical details.

Comparison of poems-

Points to be focused on 

1. The poet and the time in which the poem was written 

2.what inspired the poet to write those lines.

3. Context of the poem  that is needed to be expressed in our own words.

4. Rhyme scheme of the poem that provide to the poem

5. About the poem if RTC us from between the poem then don't miss to mention about how the poem started and ended (in brief)  that is Reference to the poem.

6. Try to Put your own points .. for that IGNOU books are quite helpful and guiding..

7. If don't understand the poem read twice or thrice.

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