The Victorian Poets - Browning, Rossetti, Oscar Wild

The Victorian Poets - Browning, Rossetti, Oscar Wild

Topics covered in this post - 

  • The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood
  • Robert Browning
  • Sordello
  • Porphyria's Lover
  • The Bishop Orders his tomb at Saint Praxed'd Church
  • Childe Roland to the dark tower came
  • Fra Lippo Lippi
  • Dante Gabriel
  • My sister's sleep
  • The Blessed Damozel
  • Christina Rossetti
  • Goblin Market
  • Oscar Wild
  • Ballad of the reading Gaol

  • The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB)

  1. A movement in Art and literature
  2. Began in 1848 against the painting of Royal Acadamy.
  3. Founded by Holman Hunt
  4. Inspired by Italian 14th and 15th centuries.
  5. Italian Painter and artist RAPHAEL

4 Qualities-

  1.  Deep religious feelings
  2. Minute details
  3. Private poetic Symbol
  4. Vitality and freshness
Revived by DG Rossetti with his 2 disciples - Edward burns Jones and William Morris

PRB was their short name
Criticized by Charles Dickens and defended by John Ruskin
PRB was so famous that they were Never out of patrons


Name - Gaberiel Charles Dante Rossetti
Birth - 1828
Death - 1882
Wife - Elizabeth Siddal
Buried his only copy of manuscripts with his wife


  • Translations of Early Italian Poets
  • Poems(1881)
  • Ballads and Sonnets
  • The last confession
  • Sister Helen
  • Eden Bower
  • The white ship
  • The king's tragedy
  • Burden of Nineveh

Sordello in Mantua-

  • 6 Books
  • Written  - 1833-1840 
  • Published in 1840 on his father's expense
  • Republished in 1863 with +85 lines and quotation to his text
  • Sordello is notorious as one of the hardest poems in English literature.
  • Tennyson - There were only two lines in it that I understood, and they were both lies; they were the opening and closing lines, 'Who will may hear Sordello's story told,' and 'Who would has heard Sordello's story told!'
  • Only 2 people know what is happening in the poem - God and Browning. After Browning's death its only God.
  • 5982 lines
  • Iambic Pentameter 
  • Couplet form
  • Browning studied chronicles of this period in Italian history, visited places connected to the story.
  • After the publication of Pauline.
  • It damaged Brownings publication. - critical failure
  • Sordello - entertained the public by singing a poem in the medieval Italy in 1220s. Mantua - in Italy
  • struggle between Guelphs (Pope) & Ghibellines (Roman Catholic Church & Sordello)
  • Sordello's success was in reality was his failure. He feels alienated from the art that has won him applause and position of court poet. He would prefer his Goito and woods around it to Mantua and the glory of the court. Sordello's best efforts to perfect his language apparantly, killed his art.
  • The art developed his soul a thousand ways. Browning wanted to say that Sordello for the time being could not achieve the unity between the man and the poet.
  • As confessed In the 5th book - Sordello writes Sordello. that is Browning writes about himself in the poem.  Sordello can be called browning.

Christina Rossetti

Christina Georgina Rossetti
Pseudonym - Ellen Alleyne
life - 1830-1894
Works - Goblin Market and other Poems, The Prince's Progress and other poems, A pageant and other poems, Time flies, New poems.

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