IGNOU MEG-3 British Novels - Important topics to prepare:

 IGNOU MEG-3 British Novels - Important topics to prepare:

9 or 10 questions.  Attempt any 5.  20 marks each.

Block-1 Henry Fielding: Tom Jones

Man of the Hill

Block-2 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

Education and accomplishment

Marriage as an institution

Love and marriage

Significance of Pride/ prejudice

reflects class and gender

Block-3 Wuthering Heights

Narrative technique

location and setting

Heathcliff as a byronic hero (A Byronic hero is a type of fictional character who is a moody, brooding rebel, often one haunted by a dark secret from his past. The term describes the type of main character found in many fictional works by Lord Byron, who is said to have had this type of personality.)

Block-4 Charles Dickens: Great Expectations


Fairy Tale

Block-5 George Eliot: Middlemarch

Block-6 Joseph Conrad: heart of darkness

Women in Conrad’s book

Race and Gender

Block-7 James Joyce: A Portrait of The Artist As A Young Man

Narrative technique

5 principle of aesthetics

Stream of consciousness

Block-8 Edward Morgan Forster: A Passage to India

Significance of symbols

Foster's representation of India

Block-9 Muriel Spark: The prime of Miss Jean Brodie

  1.  Essay type que- Beginning of novels, fiction, evolution of British novels, Fiction as a history

  2. Pen Portraits of people

  3. Narrative technique

  4. Structure of novels

  5. Female representation

  6. Justify the titles

  7. Representation of marriage

  8. Relationship b/w - 

  9. Portrayal of women

  10. Note on characterization

  11. Themes in the novels

  12. Growth of a character

  13. Novel as bildungsroman

  14. Which character appeals you the most

MEG-03 Questions from previous years’s papers:

Comment on the significance of the Man of the 

Hill episode in the novel Tom Jones

Discuss the themes of education and 

'accomplishments" in Pride and Prejudice

Point out the importance of the issue of marriage 

in the Victorian age with special reference to

Wuthering Heights

Critically analyse the "improvement" plot in the 

novel Great Expectations

Would you agree with the description of Will 

Ladislaw in Middlemarch as "The angel of

light" ? Justify your answer


What relationship do you find between empire 

and race in the novel Heart of Darkness ?

In what ways does the point of view keep 

varying in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young

Man ? Illustrate with examples

Analyse some of the important images in the novel 

A Passage to India and comment on their


Show how psychological growth is an important 

aspect of characterisation in the novel

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Write a brief essay on the beginnings of the English 


The ultimate task of Fielding's Tom Jones is to 

unite lovers without any critique on the social

order Do you agree ?

Pride and Prejudice brings out Jane Austen's 

belief in the important role of education in

forming a person's character Discuss

Discuss Catherine's reasons for marrying Edgall 

in Wuthering Heights

Comment on the PipEstella relationship in Great 



Give your assessment of Casaubon's character in


Comment on the depiction of women characters

in Heart of Darkness What light does the

depiction throw on Marlow ?

Discuss the narrative technique of A Portrait of 

the Artist as a Young Man

Draw a pen portrait of Aziz and Godbole as

presented in A Passage to India

 Write a brief essay on the relationship between

Plot and Theme in The prime of Miss Jean


 Write a note on female representation in the

novel Tom Jones

Examine Jane Austen's treatment of love and

marriage in Pride and Prejudice

Does the novel Wuthering Heights present

Heathcliff as a realistic character or is he only

symbolic ? Give reasons

To what extent can Great Expectations be

considered a fairy tale ? Give illustrations from

the text

 Analyse the significance of the

CasaubonDorothea relationship in the novel


  How does the structure of the novel Heart of

Darkness contribute to our understanding of the

text ?

 Discuss the symbols used in the novel A Portrait

of the Artist as a Young Man

 How does Forster use the character of Fielding as

an instrument to explore the limitations of the

philosophy of liberal humanism ?

Comment on the narrative technique employed

by Spark in her novel The Prime of Miss Jean


How does Henry Fielding realistically mirror the

th century society in Tom Jones ?

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice successfully

presents a world of domestic and social comedy


Discuss Wuthering Heights as a novel of passion

and revenge

Justify the title, "Great Expectations" 

Discuss how George Eliot constructs a weblike

overlapping between the domestic front and the

public sphere


Show how Marlowe's The Heart of Darkness is a

journey into the inner recesses of the human

heart of darkness

Discuss the narrative technique in James Joyce's

prescribed novel

A Passage to India is a complex and layered

interface between the rulers and the ruled


Discuss the various elements of Modernism in

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Write a brief essay on Fiction as History 

How does the novel Tom Jones represent

marriage ?

Discuss Jane Austen's treatment of love in Pride

and Prejudice

Comment on the narrative structure of Wuthering


Would you call Great Expectations a realistic novel

or a fairy tale ? Illustrate


Attempt a character sketch of Dorothea in


Heart of Darkness depicts Africa as a place of

negations Do you agree ? Give reasons for your


Discuss how Stephen relates to women in A

Portrait of the Artist As a young man

A passage to India is a critique of human 

experience Discuss in the context of characters

in the novel

 Why is the defeat of Miss Jean Brodie considered

to be inevitable ? Elaborate

Discuss the relationship between Tom and Sophia 

in the novel Tom Jones

Comment on the use of wit and irony in the novel 

Pride and Prejudice

Discuss the narrative techniques employed in the 

novel Wuthering Heights

Consider Pip in Great Expectations as a 

self  improving hero

Examine the role of money in the novel 



Comment on the title of the novel Heart of


Discuss the main principles of aesthetics put 

forward by Stephen in A Portrait of the Artist as a

Young Man

How does Aziz contribute to the treatment of the 

theme of race in A Passage to India ?

Do you agree with the view that Miss Brodie is a 

symbol of nonconformity ? Justify your answer

 In Tom Jones, does Fielding see marriage as a

socioeconomic alliance ? Elucidate

 Bring out the significance of "pride" in Austen's

Pride and Prejudice

 Do you think Nelly is a reliable narrator in

Wuthering Heights ? Support your answer with

evidence from the text

 Analyse the thematic significance of the

Pip  Estella relationship in Great Expectations

 How do conflicting attitudes to money determine

the relationship between Lydgate and Rosamund

in Middlemarch ?


Comment on the appropriateness of the title of

the novel Heart,of Darkness

 Analyse the structure of the novel A Portrait of

the Artist as a Young Man

Critically examine the symbols used in the novel

A Passage to India

Discuss the autobiographical element in the

novel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

 Discuss how Tom Jones is a novel about "the

division of life in segments"

Comment on the comic characters in Pride and


In what ways is Wuthering Heights


psychological novel ?

Comment on the portrayal of women in


 In what way is Great Expectations


laildungsroman' ?


Analyse Heart of Darkness as a novel of the

colonial encounter

How is A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man a

modernist novel in terms of style and content ?

Discuss A Passage to India as a novel focusing on

the EastWest interface

Muriel Spark "deals with the psychological

development of characters" Discuss with

reference to The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Write a critical note on the evolution of British


Fielding is not as sympathetic towards women as

he is towards men Give a reasoned answer on the

basis of your reading of Tom Jones

Identify the chief features of love and marriage in

Pride and Prejudice


Examine the narrative technique employed in

Wuthering Heights

Discuss the fairy tale elements in Great


Do you agree that characters like lydgate and

Rosamond are characters without real choices in

Middlemarch, Explain

Maulow and Kurtz occupy two different ideological

positions in Heart of Darkness Discuss

What is stream of consciousness Discuss a

Portrait of the Artist as a young that employs this



What is the Significance of Symbols in

A Passage to India? Explain

 Bring out the differences between the major

characters in The prime of Miss Jean Brodie


 What do you understand by the phrase 'Fiction

as History' ?

 Discuss the narrative techniques used in Pride

and Prejudice

The location and setting of Wuthering Heights is

a character in itself Do you agree ? Give reasons

Identify the 'fairy tale' elements in Great

Expectations and discuss how they impact the



How does George Eliot depict society in

transition in Middlemarch ?

Comment on Conrad's depiction of women in

Heart of Darkness

In what way does A Portrait of the Artist as a

Young Man link the growing up and the early

years of an artist ?

Comment upon Foster's representation of India

in A Passage to India

Write a note on characterisation in The Prime of

Miss Jean Brodie

Discuss major themes in Tom Jones

Discuss the themes of love and marriage in 

Pride and Prejudice with special reference to the

characters of Elizabeth and Darcy

Do you think Heathcliff is really a 'Gift of God' ? 

Illustrate with examples from Wuthering Heights

Discuss the Pip  Estella Relationship in 

Great Expectations

Discuss some of the role of money in the 

relationship of Lydgate and Rosamund


Comment on the narrative Technique in Conrad's 

Heart of Darkness

Comment on the growth of Stephen in A Portrait

of the Artist As A young Man

Do you think Mrs Moore and Adela are 

presented as marginalised characters ? Give a

reasoned answer based on a close reading of

A Passage to India

Miss Brodie's concept of education is ostensibly 

"a leading out of what is already there in the

pupil's soul" How is this concept translated in

the context of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ?

 What attitudes towards marriage does Fielding

illustrate in Tom Jones ?

Pride and Prejudice reflects class and gender


 Discuss the narrative technique in Wuthering


 Write an essay on Great Expectations as a



Write briefly on the social and gender concerns in


Comment on Marlow's shifting opinions in Heart

of Darkness

What do you understand by the term 'stream of

consciousness' ? Illustrate the ways this has

been reflected in A Portrait of The Artist As A

Young Man

Examine Forster's portrayal of women, with specific reference to Mrs Moore and Adela in A Passage to India

Trace the development of Realism and its expression in the British novel of the s with specific reference to The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

 Examine the importance of the narrator in Tom Jones

 Discuss the socioeconomic position of women as brought out in Pride and Prejudice

 Discuss Heathcliff as a Byronic hero 

Discuss Great Expectations as a 'growing up' novel

 Discuss the main themes present in Middlernarch

The issues of race and gender are central to the Heart of Darkness Justify

Elaborate upon the various styles used by Joyce in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 

Comment upon Forster's representation of three major religions in the novel A Passage to India

Comment upon the narrative technique in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

What do you understand by 'typical' and `individual' characters ? Elucidate with reference to Tom Jones

Discuss the narrative technique in Pride and Prejudice How does it influence the reader's reaction to the novel ?

In what way is the concept of marriage central to Wuthering Heights ? Discuss

How does Great Expectations subvert the idea of a fairy tale ?

Discuss the 'Woman Question' as illustrated in Middlemarch

Comment on the aptness of the title Heart of Darkness.

"Joyce uses epiphany And the stream of consciousness in A Portrait of the Artist

as a Young Man" Elucidate

Discuss the character of Aziz in A Passage to


What are the issues raised by the author in The

Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ? Exemplify 

"Tom Jones• is the story of a man's journey from

innocence through experience to wisdom" Which

events from the text best illustrate this ? 

Identify the chief features of Jane Austen's

treatment of love and marriage in Pride and


Heathcliff and Hareton have been portrayed as

characters with similar experiences but different

responses Discuss


"One of the achievements of Great Expectations is

to resist the demarcation of respectability from

criminal wealth" Do you agree ? Give a reasoned


Bring out the reasons for Dorothea's attraction

for Casaubon What is your opinion of Dorothea ?

What is the role of 'The Intended' in Heart of

Darkness ?

Comment on the structure of A Portrait Of The

Artist As A Young Man

Analyse the role of race in shaping the behaviour

of Aziz, Godbole and Fielding, in A Passage to


The major characters in The Prime of Miss Jean

Brodie reflect different aspects of moral and

psychological growth Illustrate with examples

from the text

Comment on the new issues which emerged in 

the literature of the eighteenth century

Discuss Tom's relationship with Squire western 

and his 'family'

What do you think of Jane Austen's characterisation 

of women in Pride and Prejudice ?

How far do you think Catherines conforms to or 

deviates from, the societal norms of there times

conforms in Wuthering Heights ?


Discuss Great Expectations as an example of 

upwardly mobile aspirations of Victorian society


Which character in Great Expectations appeals

to you most ? Give reasons for your answer

Discuss George Eliot as a social critic in middlemarch

Conrad's story about Kurtz is a story without 

women Discuss

Analyse the structure of A Portrait of the Artist As 

a Young Man

Examine Forster's portrayal of Mrs Moore and

Adela in A Passage to India

 Discuss Muriel Spark's handling of time in The 

Prime of Miss Jean Brodie


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