MEG-1 Block Wise Important questions based on 10 years question papers

 MEG-1 Block Wise Important questions based on 10 years question papers

“ I “ = Each “I” denotes the number of times this topic came in the previous 10 years' paper. IIII = 5 

Block -1 

Chaucer - II



Block - 2

Spenser - III 

Amoretti sonnet - I

Sonnet - 77 - II

67 - I

Epi and Pro - IIII III

Epi - IIII

Pro - IIII

Block - 3

Metaphysical poets - III

John Donne - II

Twicknam garden - II

A valediction - IIII

The Good Morrow - III

The canonization - I

The ecstasy - I

Herbert - I

Redemption - II

The Pulley - II

Andrew Marvell - I

The Garden - IIII

To his coy mistress - IIII

Horatio Ode - I

Block - 4

Milton - II

Sonnet-23 - II

On the morning of Christ’s nativity - IIII

Lycidas -  IIII III

Il Pensiero - II

L'allegro - III

Block - 5

Satire age - I

Alexander Pope

Epistle to arbuthnot  - IIII IIII 

Dryden - III (restoration age)

Mac flecknoe - IIII IIII 

Alexander's feast - I

Block - 6


The Prelude - IIII IIII III


Hyperion - IIII

Blake: III

London - I

Tyger - IIII

The sick rose - I


Dejection ode - II

Kubla khan - IIII

Block - 7 

PB Shelly

The Triumph of life - IIII IIII II 


Hyperion - IIII 

Block- 8

Robert Browning - I

Porphyria's lover - IIII IIII 

Childe roland to dark knight came - III

Bishop orders his Tomb - IIII IIII

Fra Lippo lippi - II

Sordello - I


The blessed Damozel - IIII I

The goblin Market - I

Oscar Wild

The Ballad of the reading Gaol - II

"The Victorian poets lacked the fire and passion which we find in the poets of the Romantic Revival, but they excelled them in breadth of outlook and variety of method." Discuss. - II- Answer is in IGNOU Book- Block-9 Modernist Poets Unit-42 in 42.2.

Block - 9

WB Yeats - II

Sailing to Byzantium - II

Easter 1916 - IIII IIII

Lapis Lazuli - II

No second troy - IIII

Adam’s curse - I

TS Elliot:

The waste land - IIII IIII III

Block - 10

Dylan Thomas

And Death shall have no Dominion - IIII

Fern Hill - II

Philip Larkin - I

Church Going - III

I remember - III

Mr. Bleaney - II

Toads - I

Sylvia - IIII

Lady Lazarus  - II

Daddy - I

The Colossus - I

Poets - Chaucer - II, Spenser - II , Metaphysical poets - III, John Donne - I, Herbert - I, Andrew Marvell - I, Milton - I, Blake- III, Browning-I, Yeats - I, Sylvia Plath - III, Dryden and restoration age.

Satirical Poets, Renaissance, Pre Raphaelite, Romanticism - II, Metaphysical poetry, Major sources of Chaucer's vocabulary, Victorian poets, romanticism and robert burn, First world war and poetry, Confessional poetry,

List of important Poets and their poems. PART-1


Block 1 - Chaucer 1343 - 1400 (Medieval Poet)


Poems - 

1) Prologue to Canterbury Tales

2) Nonnes Preestes Tale

There is also a modernised version of both in your block.


Block 2 - Edmund Spenser 1552 - 1599 (Renaissance Poet)


Poems - 

1) Text of the Sonnets (Amoretti) XXXIIII, LXVII, LXXVII

2) Epithalamion

3) Prothalamion


Block 3 - John Donne 1572 - 1631 (Metaphysical Poet)


Poems - 

1) The Flea

2) The Canonization

3) A Valediction : forbidding mourning

4) Twicknam Garden

5) The Good Morrow

6) The Extasie

7) A Nocturnal upon S. Lucies day

8 ) Batter my heart

9) A Hymn to God the father


Block 4 - John Milton 1608 - 1674 (The Late Renaissance)


Poems - 

1) On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity

2) Lycidas

3) L’Allegro

4) Penseroso

5) Sonnet 19/23


Block 5 - Dryden/Pope (Neoclassical Poets)


Poet 1 - John Dryden 1631 - 1700


Poems - 

1) Mac Flecknoe or A satire upon the true Blue Protestant Poet - T. S. 

2) Alexander’s Feast or the power of Music an ode in honour of St. Cecilia’s Day


Poet 2 - Alexander Pope 1688 - 1744


Poem -

1) Satire and Epistles Prologue - An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot


 List of important Poets and Poems Part 2.


Block 6 - William Wordsworth 1770 - 1850 (Romantic Poet)


Poem - 

1) The Prelude


Block 7 - Percy B. Shelley 1792 - 1822 (Romantic 2)


Poem - 

1) The Triumph of Life


Block 8 - Robert Browning 1812 - 1889 (Victorian Poet)


Poems - 

1) Sordello at Mantua

2) Porphyria’s Lover

3) The Bishop Orders his Tomb at Saint Praxed’s Church

4) Childe Roland to Dark Tower Came

5) Fra Lippo Lippi


Block 9 - Yeats, Eliot (Modernist Poets)


Poet 1 - William Butler (W. B.)Yeats 1865 - 1939


Poems - 

1) Adam’s Curse

2) No Second Troy

3) Easter 1916

4) Sailing to Byzantium

5) Lapiz Lazuli


Poet 2 - Thomas Stearns (T. S.)Eliot 1888 - 1965


Poems - 

1) The Waste Land 1922

2) The Burial of the Dead

3) A Game of Chess

4) The Fire Sermon

5) Death by Water


Block 10 - Philip Larkin 1922 - 1985 (Modernist & Post Modernist)


Poems - 

1) I Remember, I Remember

2) Toads

3) Mr. Bleaney

4) Church Going

5) The Whitsun Weddings

6) A Grass

7) Toads Revisited


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