IGNOU MEG-3 British Novel Cheat sheet

MEG-3 British Novel Cheat sheet

Block-1 Henry Fielding: Tom Jones in 1749


  • Mr. Squire Allworthy

  • Bridgit (sister)

  • Debra (housemaid)

  • Jenny Jones (Mother of Tom the Foundling)

  • Thomas = Tom Jones (Protagonist)

  • Dr. Bilfil brother to Cpt Bilfil, who wants to marry Bridgit

  • Black George (servant) has a daughter Molly(fake pregnant by Tom)

  • Squire Western (neighbour) has a daughter Sophia (Tom is Lover)

  • Square & Thwackum - Tutors who hate Tom and love Bilfil

People Tom meets After getting kicked out of the house-

  • Benjamin (Surgeon/teacher/barber)

  • Partridge (Suggested father/friend)

  • Mrs. Waters (Tom rescues her from getting robbed)

  • Mr. Fitzpatrick (Mrs. Water’s husband gets killed by Tom)

  • Mrs. Miller (Tom lives with her & her daughters)

  • Nightingale (also a tenant at Mrs. millers)

  • Lady Bellaston (sophia’s relative)

Tom had a relationship with -

  • Molly ( servant’s daughter)

  • Sophia ( neighbour)

  • Mrs. Water (Mother)

  • Nancy ( Miller’s)

  • Bellaston (Sophia's House owner)


  • Comic Novel

  • Bildungsroman & Picaresque - episodic style adventures

  • Dishonest but appealing hero

  • Imaginative novel in realistic form

  • Dedicated to George Lyttlton

  • Bestseller with 4 edition in 1st year

  • 18 books

Block-2 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice in 1813

Mr & Mrs. Bennet’s 5 daughters-

  1. Jane

  2. Elizabeth

  3. Mary

  4. Kitty

  5. Lydia

  • Charles Bingley (marries Jane)

  • Darcy (marries Elizabeth)

  • Collin (wants to marry elizabeth but marries her friend charlotte)

  • Wickhem (soldier marries Lydia)

  • Lady Catherine de Burgh (Collin’s Patron & Darcy’s Aunt)

  • Georgine Darcy (Darcy’s Sister)

  • Mr & Mrs Gardener (brother of Mrs Bennet)

  • Title of the novel

  • Love & marriage

  • Position of women

  • Inheritance

  • Gender

  • Narrative technique-sentimental & comedy along with wit & irony

Block-3 Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte in 1847

Setting in 1801 England in flashback

Lockwood- Tenant



Nelly & Dean - Servants

Earnshaw & his Wife - 

  • Hindley - son

  • Catherine - daughter

  • Heathcliff - adopted son

Another house from the cliff has two kids-

  • Edgar - son

  • Isabelle - daughter

Catherine & Edgar Marry and have a daughter - Cathay

Hindley marries and has a son - Hareton

Heathcliff marries Issabella and has a son - Linto

Important points-

  • Writing style - Chinese whisper box - Stories inside stories.

  • Multiple narrations from servants, reading diary, lockwood.

  • Byronic Hero - Heathcliff -  Gift of God

  • Marriage in Victorian society

Block-4 Charles Dickens: Great Expectations in 1860-62

  • Pip - Protagonist

  • Mr. Joe - Pip’s brother in law & companion’

  • Mrs. Joe - Pip’s sister

  • Miss Havisham - Crazy rich lady

  • Estella - Havisham’s adopted daughter

  • Abel Magwitch - Escaped prisoner

  • Biddy - Pip’s friend

  • Pumblechook - Pip’s uncle who bullies him

  • Oreleg - Joe’s apprentice

  • Mr. Jaggers - Lawyer

  • Wemmick - Jagger’s assistant

  • Molly - Estella’s birth mother and Jagger’s maid

  • Mr. Pocket - Pip stays in their house in London

  • Mrs. Pocket - wanna be noble woman who doesn’t take care of her kids or house

  • Herbert - Son of Mr. Pocket and Pip’s friend

  • Claira - Herbert’s wife

  • Drummle - Estella’s husband

  • Startop - Drummle’s friend

  • Compeyson - Partner of magwitch who cheated Miss Havisham and tips police to catch Magwitch

Bildungsroman - One’s formative years of spiritual education

The situations are organised not with intentions of affirming the hero’s growth but of testing it. 

Great expectation as a fairytale

Block-5 George Eliot: Middlemarch - 1869-71

  • George Elliot is the pseudonym her real name is Mary Anne Evans(1818-1880)

  • Complete name of the novel - Middlemarch- Study of Provincial life. Printed in instalments from 1871-72.

  • Setting is in a fictional town of Middlemarch from 1829-32.

  • Point of view is 3rd person.

  • Story 1-

  • Dorothea - 19 years old orphan.

  • Celia - Dorothea’s sister

  • Brook - Dorothea’s uncle

  • Sir James Chettam- Proposed to Dorothea but she refused so he married Celia.

  • Edward Casaubon - 45years old man who worked in research. Later marries Dorothea. 

  • Ladislaw- Edward’s brother who marries Dorothea after Edward’ death.

  • Story 2-

  • Town mayor has 2 kids - Rosamund and Fred.

  • Rosamund- Selfish woman marries Lydgate for money and fame

  • Dr. Tertius Lydgate - A doctor who wants to bring medical reforms in Middlemarch.

  • Fred - A good for nothing failure waiting for his uncle to die to inherit his property.

  • Featherstone - Rich uncle who leaves his property to his illegitimate son - Joshua.

  • Bulstrode Nicholas - an ex-middlemarch resident came back to help people of his town but has some dark secrets for which he is blackmailed.

  • Mr. Raffles - Blackmailer

  • Mary - Marries Fred; moves in Bulstrode’s House

Life of Dorothea

Career of Tertius Lydgate

Courtship of Mary Garth

Disgrace of Nicholas Bulstrode.

Criticism & admiration 


Structure of novel to complexity of issues


Theme of Vocatio -Failed intellectualism.

Marital compatibility

Birth rank & class

Politics, science, religion, egotism

Block-6 Joseph Conrad: heart of darkness 1898-99


  • Racism

  • Greed & imperialism

  • Hypocrisy & indifference

  • Civilization & barbarism


Marlow’s Aunt


Kurtz’s Mistress

General Manager


Kurtz’s intended

Freselven- The man in Marlow's position who was killed before.

Character list - https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/heart-of-darkness/characters/

Block-7 James Joyce: A Portrait of The Artist As A Young Man in 1916

  • Modernist writer

  • Strong autobiographical presence

  • Stream of consciousness technique

  • At least dual consciousness 1 of Stephen’s another pf Maturer consciousness which runs parallel to stephen’s point of view.

  • Ironic/Aesthetic Autobiography

  • Bildungsroman

  • Kunstlerroman - Artist novel

  • 5 Chapters of 19 sections

3 principles of theory of aesthetics-

  1. Art is stasis brought by formal rhythm of beauty

  2. Art of beauty of good and evil

  3. 3 stages of apprehension in Aquinas:

  • Integritas(wholeness)

  • Consonatia(harmony)

  • Claritas(radiance)

Women & stephen -

  • Mother

  • Dantee

  • Mercedees-from movie

  • Woman in brothel

  • Eileen - First crush

  • Emma - Never gets over her

Block-8 Edward Morgan Forester: A Passage to India in 1912-14

Published in 1924

History & Psychology

3rd person point of view

Setting in early 20th century in India in Chandrapur village


Adela - Young british girl; Ronny’s fiance

Mrs. Moore - Ronny’s mother

Ronny - British administrator in India

Mr. Turton - At his party everyone meets

Cyril Fielding- Noble British man principle in Indian school

Professor Godbole - Aziz’s Professor

Block-9 Muriel Spark: The prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Miss Jean Brodie and Her  group of 5-

  1. Sandy Stranger

  2. Rose Stanley

  3. Mary Macgregor

  4. Jenny Gray

  5. Eunice Gardiner

  • Mr. Teddy Lloyd

  • Mr. Gordon Lowther

  • Miss Mackay

  • Miss Lockhart

  • Joyce Emily Hammond

  • Miss Ellen and Alison Kerr

  • Miss Gaunt

  • Hugh

Link for character analysis - https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-prime-of-miss-jean-brodie/characters

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