MEG 4 important questions from each block
Meg 4 blockwise Que Block-1 What is Language? U1 Unit-1 The Nature of Language Discuss the differences between human and animal communication. Also elaborate how and why language originated. European and American U2 Unit-2 Looking at Data-I Saussurean principles of sign-system Saussurean principles of Structural Linguistics Langue and Parole - Bloomfield's theory ( contribution to Structuralism. )- II U3 Unit-3 Looking at Data-II Transformational Generative Grammar and how it was different from Bloornfield's model structuralism, in the field of Linguistics? Explain the differences between the approaches of Sapir and Bloomfield U4 Unit-4 Language and Thought Sapir-whorf hypothesis Block-2 History of English Language U1 Unit-1 An Introduction The Origins of Language - B2U1 - U2 Unit-2 Changes in Sounds and Spelling spelling became unphonetic B2 Word in English word" as a physical ...