
MEG 5 Block-wise Important questions

MEG 5 Block-wise important questions Block-1 An Introduction Give an account of Sphota theory as explained by Sanskrit theoreticians.  Attempt a critique of 'Rasa' as understood in ancient Indian literature.  Short Notes. Block-2 Classical Criticism Comment on Plato’s views on poetry. Why does Plato declare the role of the poet as subversive ?  What are the reasons for the artist to be kept away from the ideal state of plato ?  How does Aristotle meet plato's criticism of poets ?  What is the difference between Plato's approach and Aristotle's approach to 'imitation'? For Plato, the term 'imitation' (mimesis) carries a negative connotation : to imitate is to produce a copy, a version that is less than the original. Comment.  Explain how Plato views art as twice removed from reality.  Compare and contrast in your own words Plato and Aristotle as literary theorists. Enumerate the six elements of tragedy according to Aristotle and explain any two of the